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Political Science Welcomes New Academic Advisor

Academic advisor Casey Champaign joined the staff of the Department of Political Science this summer. Casey is an NC State alumna and is very happy to be back on campus in her new role. As an undergraduate, she triple majored in political science, psychology and philosophy and was a member of the University Honors Program. After graduation, Casey attended the University of Illinois College of Law where she received her juris doctorate and Penn State for her master’s degree in education.

What brought you back to NC State?

My passion for advising coupled with the fond memories of my time at NC State as an undergraduate student created a strong desire for me to be a part of the Wolfpack family once again.

What are the best and the most challenging aspects of being an academic advisor?

One of the best parts of academic advising is watching students grow and coming into a true sense of self as they navigate their undergraduate education. Advisors get a front row seat in witnessing the growth and development of the leaders of tomorrow. One of the most challenging things about academic advising is providing students with the platform to find the answers they need versus just giving them the answers.

Have you always done this kind of work?

I have not always been an academic advisor. Before transitioning into the field of higher education I worked in the legal arena as an assistant district attorney in the Office of the Bronx District Attorney.

What is something students would be surprised to know about you?

During my time as a student at NC State, I was a member of Dancing With Wolves, a ballroom dance club.

If you could time travel, what advice would you give to your college-aged self?

Slow down and enjoy the journey. Take care of things academically, but also get out and experience different opportunities as well. I would also tell myself that it is okay to make mistakes and adjust course along the way if things don’t work out as planned. Make plans and do your best, but give yourself the space to make changes if necessary. Don’t be afraid to try new things, you might just find your passion in the most unexpected experiences. You have your entire life ahead of you; don’t rush things. 

What are you most looking forward to this year?

I am looking forward to getting reacquainted with the campus and feeling the pride that comes along with being a part of the Wolfpack. It’s been a long time since I’ve been back on campus,and I am excited to see how things have evolved and which new organizations and opportunities are now available to students. I am also eager to get to know our current students and to help them succeed.

What do you like to do when not at work?

When I am not working I love spending time with family and friends, cooking and working on DIY projects.