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Meet the 2023 NCGA/NC State Legislative Interns

Group photo featuring 9 of the 12 student interns
Andres Hui, Adrienne Stacy, Seth Hughes, Fei Persing, Trinity Murray, Anu Mishra, Cairo Moorman, Will Cowan, Nina Kudlak (Not pictured: Nada Elraddaf, Zane Reep, Jazmin Vaca)

As the North Carolina General Assembly began its biennial regular session in January 2023, twelve interns from across the state began their tenure as legislative interns through a unique program offered by both the NCGA and NC State University. The Legislative Internship Program combines academic classes with an in depth 30-hour a week internship placement in either the NC House or Senate. The 2023 intern cohort includes students from NC State, UNC Charlotte, NCCU, ECU, UNC Pembroke, and UNC Greensboro. Meet the interns and learn why they are excited about this opportunity and what they hope to accomplish in Raleigh this semester. 

Anu Mishra ‘24

Degree: B.A. Political Science (minor in economics), NC State University. Interning with House Minority Leader Representative Robert Reives.

This program stood out to me as an opportunity to gain hands-on experience within politics while still retaining the academic goals I’d set for myself throughout college. Working full time at the General Assembly under an elected official provides unmatched connections and learning experiences. The courses, PS 502 and PS 498, coupled with the internship allows me to apply learning about the legislative process and leadership methods directly to my job. As such, the academic and professional experience provided by this program is unique and innately beneficial to students interested in politics. 

I’m most excited about working in an elected official’s office. Leader Reives is an amazing representative who cares deeply for his constituents and the members of his office. I’m looking forward to sitting in on floor debates and committee meetings. I plan on attending a JD/MPA program after I graduate.

Seth Hughes ‘24

Degree: B.A. Political Science (minors in Spanish and international studies), NC State University. Interning with Senator Dan Blue.

I joined the Legislative Internship Program because I wanted the experience of working directly with a lawmaker to gain a comprehensive understanding of the legislative process and to learn about the various career opportunities within this field. I’m most excited to sit in on committee meetings and track legislation. After graduation I plan to attend law school.

Nina Kudlak ‘24

Degree: B.A. Political Science (minors in parks, recreation and tourism management and Middle East studies), NC State University. Interning with Senator Jim Burgin.

I love politics. During my time at NC State, I have come to realize that so many aspects of life are political–interpersonal relationships, career-based and academic pursuits, even one’s own identity. I love the philosophy of politics, and I wanted to see it in action in the state government. If I pursue a career in politics, I will have a great foundation to build upon.

I’m most excited to attend Senate committee meetings as a legislative intern. I currently serve as Chair of the Student Affairs Committee at NC State’s own Student Senate, and I am thrilled to have an opportunity to see what “real life” Senate committee work is like. Senator Burgin is the Chair of both the Health Care and Appropriations on Health and Human Services Committees, which means I’ll be busy. I can’t wait to see the process of legislators fine-tuning legislation that could potentially affect all North Carolinians.

Adrienne Stacy ‘23

Degree: B.A. Political Science, North Carolina Central University. Interning with Senator Julie Mayfield.

I love government and seeing how policy is made. I’ve spent four years learning about it in the classroom, and I wanted to see it in person. I knew this program would be a great opportunity to learn about the General Assembly and policy making at the state level. I’m excited to learn about the inner-workings of the General Assembly, and how people work to make policy that impacts the people of North Carolina. I’m very excited about sitting in on committee meetings and floor hearings. I’m also excited to meet new people and expand my network. I am very interested in a career in politics and want to explore job opportunities in state government.

Andres Hui ‘24

Degree: B.A. Political Science, NC State University. Interning with Representative Brandon Lofton and Representative Wesley Harris.

As a political science major I have studied the legislative process, however I recognized that the direct exposure to legislation at the General Assembly would allow me to gain a whole new understanding. I have worked for political campaigns and volunteered for organizations that have fostered a true passion for politics. The Legislative Internship Program allows me to take a step forward in shaping my community and fighting for issues I believe in. I really believe that I have come in at the perfect time, with so many pressing issues at the forefront of legislator’s minds. I look forward to following bills regarding issues that I am passionate about. 

I am most excited about seeing how negotiations and debate happen on and off the house floor. I plan on attending law school after graduating. I am still unsure about the specific area of law I want to practice, however I hope to see if the work I do at the NCGA is something I am interested in as a career. 

Trinity Murray ‘23

Degree: B.A. Political Science, UNC Pembroke. Interning with Senator Rachel Hunt.

There are so many exciting aspects of this program. I am looking forward to working in the General Assembly and seeing beneficial policy implementation this session. I will attend law school in the fall and this program’s combination of specialized courses paired with experiential learning is great and will be a good foundation. I am eager to see our legislators in action as they debate on the floor and work directly with constituents. Having this front seat to change in the political arena will be an invaluable experience and makes me excited to go to work in the morning. 

As a visiting student, I’ve also found it really exciting to move to Raleigh, form new friendships, and experience the student culture of NC State University. 

Fei Persing ‘24

Degree: B.S. Political Science (minors in comparative government and international relations), East Carolina University. Interning with Representative Ashton Wheeler Clemmons.

The Legislative Internship Program is providing me with an opportunity to pursue my passion for politics, strengthening my role as an engaged citizen, and allowing space for professional and personal growth.  I am looking forward to opportunities to connect with others and better understand the function of the NCGA. I am also excited about working for legislators and being mentored. I hope to further my education by attending law-school following graduation. My current interests are in  contract law and international law.

Will Cowan ‘25

Degree: B.A. Political Science (minors in science communication and music), NC State University. Interning with Representative Pricey Harrison and Representative Marcia Morey.

I’m thrilled to be working with a cohort of talented students from across the state, as well as elected officials and community leaders who are really making a difference in the world. I’m excited about experiencing the day-to-day work of politics. There’s so much that goes on in politics that the public never sees, and so I’m excited to get to see how things really get done.

I hope to work in environmental policy. I want to be a part of the generation that really spearheads environmental protection, clean energy, and greater sustainability. Through the Legislative Internship Program, I hope to gain the knowledge, skills, and connections that I will need to make my own impact on the world. 

Cairo Moorman ‘24

Degree: B.A. Political Science, UNC Charlotte. Interning with Representative Amber Baker.

I want to be a part of the change I want to see in the world, rather than just be affected by it. I am glad to be part of the Legislative Internship Program because it is the chance to learn how I can turn that passion and goal into action and reality. I enjoy learning what it is like to be a politician and the processes it takes to pass a bill into legislation. I’d like to one day run for office and work on government restructuring. I hope to represent people who feel their values and beliefs are not always heard. 

Nada Elraddaf ‘25

Degrees: B.A. Political Science and History, NC State University. Interning with Senator Joyce Waddell.

The Legislative Internship Program is an amazing opportunity to combine my political science education with in-person experience. I also wanted to expand my network and range of skills. I hope to be able to  do research or write something that will be part of a final product that my Senator is working on. I’m excited to contribute to the work of the legislature. After graduation, I plan to attend law school. I also hope to publish and possibly become a professor. 

Jazmin Vaca ‘23

Degree: B.A. Political Science, UNC Greensboro. Interning with Senator Paul Lowe.

I joined the Legislative Internship Program because I want to gain first hand experience of the legislative process. I am also looking forward to building connections and relationships with my fellow interns and members of the NC General Assembly.

I’m most excited about sitting in session and watching the process unfold. After graduation, I intend to go to law school and become an attorney. 

Zane Reep ‘23

Degree: B.A. Political Science (minors in business administration and nonprofit studies), NC State University. Interning with Senator Kandie Smith.

I look forward to a career as a public servant one day and I saw the Legislative Internship Program as the logical choice on that path. I’m most excited to get to know my fellow interns and learn firsthand how laws and policy is made. 

After I graduate this summer, I plan to join the United States Air Force with the intention to become a Judges Advocate General Corps officer.